Case Study

Read about how Herts Mini Skips, a new skip hire business in Hertfordshire, partnered with Skip Booker. They used our service to boost their business, increase their orders, and improve customer service - all on a tight ad budget.

A skip hire website (herts mini skips) shown on a desktop browser and a mobile browser to show the responsive design.
orders in the first 3 months, with a limited ad budget.
in new revenue.
of orders made outside of core business hours.

Introduction to Herts Mini Skips

Herts Mini Skips was a new player in the skip hire industry in Hertfordshire. Despite being a small business with only one skip lorry, they had big aspirations. They offer a range of services, from mini skip hire (2 to 5-yard skips) to skip bags and a man-and-van rubbish removal service. The challenge was simple yet daunting - they needed more orders.

The Challenge

As a newly formed business, Herts Mini Skips needed a leg-up. The team was in search of more than just a website. They needed a comprehensive solution that would streamline their business, manage their orders, and bring more orders. And they needed this without breaking the bank on their modest advertising budget.

The Solution with Skip Booker

When Herts Mini Skips joined hands with Skip Booker, they got more than just a website. They tapped into a full suite of features designed to enhance every aspect of a skip hire business. From creating a bespoke website to setting up and managing their Google Ads, Skip Booker took charge, and the results speak for themselves.

The Impressive Results

In just three months of using Skip Booker, Herts Mini Skips saw an impressive increase in their orders. With an advertising budget of less than £500 a month, they received over 100 orders, translating to a revenue of more than £15,000.

A closer look at their order statistics revealed even more interesting facts. A significant 22% of their orders were placed outside traditional working hours. This only underscored the benefit of having an online booking system. The convenience it offered to customers, allowing them to place orders at their own time, was instrumental in capturing this segment of orders.

Notably, 32% of orders were placed between 6pm and 6am, proving that customers value the freedom to book services outside the conventional business hours.

All this was made possible by the seamless integration of a Skip Booker feature-rich website, the efficient Order Dashboard, and the cost-effective Google Ads Management by Skip Booker.

Herts Mini Skips & Skip Booker - A Partnership That Works

Partnering with Skip Booker enabled Herts Mini Skips to kickstart their business journey successfully. Their story stands as a testament to what can be achieved when a visionary startup meets an all-encompassing digital solution like Skip Booker. And this is just the beginning. With Skip Booker, the potential for growth is unlimited.

Visit Herts Mini Skips to see their website.

Ready to boost your skip hire business? It's time to experience the power of Skip Booker for yourself!